Original Shop Display With Contents. HUNTER ENGINEERING COMPANY ORIGINAL VINTAGE SHOP DISPLAY WITH CONTENTS. Ball Joint Kits, Stabilizer Kits, Idler Arm Kits. J Loock History and Our Pick These items were sourced from R. LOOCK which was a Baltimore Institution when it came to Automobiles. They operated at the same location : 339-345 N Gay st from 1913 until the neighborhood declined and the last heir retired in 2001. They were not your ordinary cookie cutter automotive parts store like you see today. They were parts distributors as well as jobbers for their own LIGHTNIN Parts line as well as for most of the top brands of the day. This may not sound different from an auto zone except Loock was responsible for placing products such as Champion Spark Plugs, Quaker State and Gates belts (to name a VERY few products) into EVERY private and municipal garage that used them in a 5 state area. As the 22 floors of samples that they left behind will attest… I said 22 FLOORS of Samples! Loock tried to sell ANY quality product that they thought had a chance. Of course, as jobbers they were responsible for placing advertising in the businesses that they catered to as well. There was no working elevator and the buildings were 4 floors tall with a basement…………………………… And they NEVER threw ANYTHING of value AWAY! It took us 2 months full time to sort through and we are now coming to the end of what we have found. If you like high quality out of the box advertising as well as MINT automotive related collectibles, please bookmark us and keep checking back, we keep finding bits and pieces in our storage warehouse. I think you will be in for a treat. AND If you are a beginning collector, theres stuff for you too. They had a habit of nailing signs around to cover holes and such so we will be offering those as well, most are gone now, but not all… Please check out our store by CLICKING HERE. You may choose at check out. UPS Overnight & 2-DAY. For a quote please message us and provide us your. Whether it’s a business or residence. If a business does it have a fork lift or dock. We are located in. Millersville MD off of Veterans HWY for most items, and in our storage warehouse in West Baltimore for our larger heavier items. Once the sale is complete we will certainly give you our exact address for local pick-up purposes but, it needs to be scheduled. Please request a quote. If for any reason you are unhappy with your. Md Architectural Rescue is a different type of recycling company. We have operated in. And surrounding areas since 1996. After starting out rescuing fireplace mantles and cast iron door locks from construction dumpsters, we have opened our eyes to may types of waste that are often over looked and fall through the cracks. Our focus is and always will be vintage items of the highest quality. But with our eyes now open we put a lot of effort in bringing you high end collectibles from every industry available and at a very reasonable price. All our items are salvaged and are for the most part American Made. One week we could be in an old School, Brewery, Factory, and the following week at a Shipyard or Power plant, you just never know. Also, one day we may be removing Vintage lighting, the next day Signs and Vintage blueprints and the following day cleaning out a machine shop or high end parts room. We also run two additional stores. If you are looking for unique and interesting glass pieces, check out our sister site. If you are looking for, or are in need of and industrial parts and supplies, check out our other sister site. And as always, you can check out more of my interesting finds here at. To check out my store.