All items are described to the best of my ability but it is important that you review all the photos to confirm – most items are vintage, antique, or retro which means they are older and not perfect. Give everything a look over first. An item is measured to give you a rough idea of the items size; the measurements are mostly rounded or given to you roughly. If this is an issue verify before purchasing. If you do not like the packaging material used that’s your opinion but, it works for us and at least items arrive safe plus we like to recycle?? . No reasonable offers are denied but be reasonable – and if you send a low offer and it’s accepted, please be respectful and don’t try to return the item because by the time it’s done, we will be negative on the item. If it’s a sealed or new item and you open it then try to return the item that’s just rude because the value is no longer there don’t return it – if your offer is denied and you keep sending the same offer multiple times you will be blocked.